What's New

Early Bird Registration Discounts for the AOC Convention End Saturday!
Register now for the AOC 47th Annual International Symposium & Convention, October 3-7, in Atlanta, GA, and take advantage of lower rates. But don't delay because the discounts end this Saturday, July 31. You can also save by pre-registering for on-site courses. Several days of courses are available (see the Calendar of Events), so don't miss this chance to take a professional development course while at the convention.
More information
AOC 47th Annual Symposium & Convention: Join the NEW Exhibit Wing
Looking for increased visibility at the AOC 47th Annual International Symposium & Convention, October 3-7, in Atlanta, GA. Our various sponsorship opportunities can put your brand in front of attendees all day long. From sponsored coffee breaks that highlight your company to the NEW Exhibit Wing, which offers additional on-site exhibit space options and the new Virtual Trade Show, the AOC's online companion to the convention, companies can share their products and services with the AOC community before, during and after the Convention. Contact Stew Taylor, taylor@crows.org, to customize your plan and take advantage of these unique offerings.
Pick up the Essentials of Electronic Warfare |
 Get the Essentials of Electronic Warfare Book: What Every Crow Should Know, which covers the entry-level knowledge for new Crows coming into the community. The AOC is working to establish an entry-level certification program and the book is designed to be a baseline reference. Books are $30. Order the EEW Book on-line at the AOC Store or by calling the membership department at (703) 549-1600.
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August 24-26: 12th Space Protection Conference |
The 12th Annual Space Protection Conference at Kirtland AFB is just around the corner, so register today. The conference will focus on existing and future technologies for space protection. The first two days (24-25 August) will be held at the Secret, US Only level. A third day session will be held on 26 August for those with appropriate clearances, so register now!
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Industry News
Limited Time Offer: Post Employment Opportunities in the AOC Career Center at a Special Rate
For a limited time only," The AOC Career Center", the Association of Old Crow's exclusive online employment network for the Industry is pleased to offer a special rate for Job Posting. For unlimited job postings from now until December 31st, the rate for AOC Industry Members is $500 and the rate for Non-Industry Members is $750.
Don't miss a unique opportunity to save money AND find more qualified candidates! Visit the AOC Career Center at http://jobs.crows.org and register to post jobs today.
Whidbey Welcomes Home Patriots |
The "Patriots" of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 140 returned to Whidbey Island Naval Air Station this week after a seven-month deployment aboard USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, supporting Operation Enduring Freedom over Afghanistan. (Whidbey News-Times)
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USAF Squadron Provides 'Electronic Armor' to Global Warfighters |
Approximately 170 professionals at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, use complex systems and produce information to arm warfighters with the knowledge needed to safely perform their duty. (defpro)
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US Refuses to Give IAF Test Aircraft |
IAF chose the F-35 as its next fighter jet although the Defense Ministry is planning on limiting the purchase to about 20 stealth multi-role fighters, rather than the 75 originally planned. (Haaretz)
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Korea-US Naval Drill Gets Underway |
A massive joint South Korea-US naval exercise kicked off in the East Sea on Sunday in response to North Korea's torpedo attack on the South Korean Navy corvette Cheonan in March. (The Chosen Ilbo)
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Hawaiian Exercise No Holiday |
They may be in a tropical paradise, but more than 90 personnel from No. 92 Wing (92WG) are still hard at work developing high-end warfighting skills in Hawaii as part of the largest maritime exercise in the world. (Australian Department of Defence)
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Afghanistan War Logs: NATO Feared Taliban Could Tap its Mobile Phones |
Security analysts warned that Roshan, a major Afghan network for GSM phones, might harbor enemy sympathizers. (Guardian)
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UK Defense Cuts Will be Deep but Smart |
The Royal Air Force (RAF) will emerge from the current UK Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) with only two types of airlifter, two types of fighter and two types of helicopter. (Aviation International News)
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AOC News
AOC Election Ends Saturday: Vote Now!
Vote for the newest members of the AOC Board of Directors. Click here to vote, or access the online election through the link at www.crows.org. The election continues online, but only through Saturday, July 31, so make sure to get your vote in today!
Post Your Résumé at the AOC Career Center
Post your résumé on AOC Career Center, located at http://jobs.crows.org! Even if you are not currently looking for a new job, it makes sense to post your résumé -- you never know what opportunities might be available. And your participation attracts more and better job listings, improves the career prospects of your fellow members and strengthens your professional community at large. The AOC Career Center offers FREE and confidential résumé posting, job search control, easy job application, the ability to save jobs and much more.
Help us help you. Visit AOC Career Center today and post your résumé!
Burglars Don't Take Vacations: Protect Your Home |
While you're away on vacation, the last thing you want to worry about is burglars invading your home and stealing your personal belongings. So before you leave, take these precautions. They'll help protect your property and give you peace of mind.
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CTT, Inc.
At the Heart of Next Generation Electronic Defense Systems: 0.1-20 GHz LNAs, 0.2-100W PAs, Special Purpose Amplifiers, Contract Manufacturing. http://www.cttinc.com
Calendar of Events
August 22: APG Susquehanna Roost Family Riverboat Cruise |
August 24-26: 12th Annual Space Protection Conference |
September 14-16: Cyber Warfare – The Weaponry & Strategies of Digital Conflict Course |
September 28-October 1: Fundamental Principles of Electronic Warfare |
September 28-October 1: EO/IR Fundamentals for EW Engineers and Managers Course |
October 2: Cyber Warfare Course |
October 2-3: Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs), Their Missions and Systems |
October 2-3: Introduction to Microwave Systems Course |
Instructor: Antonio Dias de Macedo Filho, PhD
Atlanta, GA
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October 2-3: Refresher on Electronic Warfare Course |
Instructors: Steve Barton and Phil West, GTRI
Atlanta, GA
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October 3: Now Media: Engagement Based on Information Not Platforms Course |
Instructor: Matt Armstrong with guest presenters Atlanta, GA
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October 3-7: AOC 47th Annual Convention & Symposium |
October 5: ELINT/EW Database Course |
October 7-8: EW and the Brazilian Blue and the Green Amazons Course |
Instructor: Antonio Dias de Macedo Filho, PhD
Atlanta, GA
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October 7-8: Directed Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) Principles Course |
October 19-21: Fall Electronic Warfare Fleet Integration and Improvement Program (EWIIP) Conference |
November 2-4: Spectrum Modeling and Simulation Conference |
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