What's New
NEXT WEEK: Operationalizing Intelligence in Electronic Warfare for the 21st Century, July 27-28 |
It's your last chance. Don't miss this Classified, US-only level conference, which provides AOC members with a unique opportunity to discuss EW with the intelligence professionals who actually perform the analysis and production. The technical program chair for the Conference is Craig "Magnum" Harm, Col, USAF (Ret). Four sessions cover everything from perspectives and technology to systems and overall solutions gathered from the Conference proceedings. Time is almost up, so register for this important Conference today!
Click here for Agenda and Registration

AOC Convention: Register by July 31 for Early Bird Discounts!
Early registration discounts are available for the AOC 47th
Annual International Symposium & Convention, October 3-7, in
Atlanta, Georgia. Registration is open now, so take advantage of lower
rates if you register by July 31. You can also save by pre-registering
for on-site courses. Several days of courses are available (see the
Calendar of Events), so don't miss this chance to take a professional
development course while at the convention.
AOC 47th Annual Symposium & Convention: Join the Virtual Trade Show
Though the exhibit floor has sold out, your company can still participate in the AOC 47th Annual International Symposium & Convention, October 3-7, in Atlanta, Georgia. Through the new Virtual Trade Show, the AOC's online companion to the convention, companies can share their products and services with the AOC community. Contact Stew Taylor, taylor@crows.org, to participate in this unique offering.
August 24-26: 12th Space Protection Conference |
The 12th Annual Space Protection Conference at Kirtland AFB is just around the corner, so register today. The conference will focus on existing and future technologies for space protection. The first two days (24-25 August) will be held at the Secret, US Only level. A third day session will be held on 26 August for those with appropriate clearances, so register now!
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Industry News
Egypt Picks F-16 Countermeasure Suites |
The Egyptian air force has picked Raytheon to supply integrated electronic warfare suites for F16 fighters it recently agreed to purchase from Lockheed Martin. (UPI)
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Air Force to Convert F-16s to Drones, Shoot Them Down |
The Lockheed-Martin F-16 Fighting Falcon is flown by the Air Force, Air Force Reserves and Air National Guard. But the fighter has been in service since 1979 and early models that are getting long in the tooth are now marching into retirement. They won’t go quietly, though. The Air Force has launched a program to convert many of these F-16s into QF-16 drones that will intentionally be shot down. (The Christian Science Monitor)
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U.K., France To Launch 'Ambitious' Cooperation Study |
Britain and France have agreed to a joint effort to examine which defense capabilities the two countries might share and those for which they could depend on each other, in a bid to boost cooperation in Europe, French Defense Minister Hervé Morin told members of the parliament here. (Defense News)
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Cyber War: Indian Army Gearing Up |
he Indian Army is fighting attacks in the cyber world with electronic warfare capability of the "highest standard", say officials pointing out that virtual strikes have shot up from hostile quarters in both sophistication and frequency. (The Times of India)
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C-27J Gears Up For Afghanistan Operations |
The U.S. and Italian militaries are developing plans to bolster their C-27J tactical transport capabilities, driven in part by combat operations in Afghanistan. (Aviation Week)
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MQ-8B Fire Scout Successfully Tested in the UAE |
Northrop Grumman says it has successfully completed the testing of its MQ-8B Fire Scout vertical unmanned aerial system (VUAS) in the UAE under extreme environmental conditions. (Emirates Business)
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India to Purchase Two More AWACS from Russia |
India will purchase two additional Russian-made airborne warning and control system (AWACS) aircraft, the Times of India newspaper said on Monday. (RioNovosti)
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Video of Gen. Elder Discussing the AOC White Paper
The Association of Old Crows (AOC) has released a new report titled "21st Century Electronic Warfare," written by Lt Gen Robert Elder, Jr., USAF (ret.). You can view Gen Elder discussing the paper in an exclusive video free to AOC members in the AOC Learning Center.
Click here to preview the video
Read the July JED Digital Edition
The July JED digital edition, featuring the same content with unique online-only features, including the ability to search back issues through January 2009, is accessible with your crows.org username and password.
Click here to access the July issue
AOC News
VOTE NOW in the 2010 AOC Elections
Vote for the newest members of the AOC Board of Directors. Click here to vote, or access the online election through the link at www.crows.org. The election continues online through July 31, so vote today!
Dixie Crows Celebrate Successful Membership Drive |
The Dixie Crow Chapter signed 32 new members during its 2010 membership drive and thanks its top recruiters for their hard work.
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AOC Welcomes New Industry Member |
EADS Deutschland GmbH, Defense Electronics, of Unterschleissheim, Germany, has joined the AOC as large group member.
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Pick up the Essentials of Electronic Warfare |
 Get the Essentials of Electronic Warfare Book: What Every Crow Should Know, part of the new Certified Crow program, coming soon from AOC. The book certifies the entry-level knowledge for new Crows coming into the community. Books are $30. Order the EEW Book on-line at the AOC Store or by calling the membership department at (703) 549-1600.
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CTT, Inc.
At the Heart of Next Generation Electronic Defense Systems: 0.1-20 GHz LNAs, 0.2-100W PAs, Special Purpose Amplifiers, Contract Manufacturing. http://www.cttinc.com
Calendar of Events
July 26: ELINT and EW Database Fundamentals |
July 27-28: Operationalizing Intelligence in Electronic Warfare for the 21st Century |
August 22: APG Susquehanna Roost Family Riverboat Cruise |
August 24-26: 12th Annual Space Protection Conference |
September 14-16: Cyber Warfare – The Weaponry & Strategies of Digital Conflict Course |
September 28-October 1: Fundamental Principles of Electronic Warfare |
September 28-October 1: EO/IR Fundamentals for EW Engineers and Managers Course |
October 2: Cyber Warfare Course |
October 2-3: Introduction to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs), Their Missions and Systems |
October 2-3: Introduction to Microwave Systems Course |
Instructor: Antonio Dias de Macedo Filho, PhD
Atlanta, GA
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October 2-3: Refresher on Electronic Warfare Course |
Instructors: Steve Barton and Phil West, GTRI
Atlanta, GA
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October 3: Now Media: Engagement Based on Information Not Platforms Course |
Instructor: Matt Armstrong with guest presenters Atlanta, GA
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October 3-7: AOC 47th Annual Convention & Symposium |
October 5: ELINT/EW Database Course |
October 7-8: EW and the Brazilian Blue and the Green Amazons Course |
Instructor: Antonio Dias de Macedo Filho, PhD
Atlanta, GA
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October 7-8: Directed Infrared Countermeasures (DIRCM) Principles Course |
October 19-21: Fall Electronic Warfare Fleet Integration and Improvement Program (EWIIP) Conference |
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