What's New
July 27-28: Register now for Operationalizing Intelligence in Electronic Warfare for the 21st Century |
This Classified, US Only level conference provides AOC members with a unique opportunity to discuss EW with the intelligence professionals who actually perform the analysis and production. Hosted at the National Air and Space Intelligence Agency, the conference also allows for classified-level discussions critical to addressing the integration of Intelligence and Electronic Warfare. Register now!
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Call for Papers: 12th Space Protection Conference, August 24-26 |
The 12th Annual Space Protection Conference is calling for presenters for the August 24-26 conference at Kirtland AFB. The conference will focus on existing and future technologies for space protection. Presentations will be 30 minutes, including questions. The first two days (24-25 August) will be held at the Secret, US Only level. A third day session will be held on 26 August for those with appropriate clearances. Papers are due June 30.
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Access the June JED digital Edition
Click here to access the June JED digital edition, with a host of unique interactive features. You will need your crows.org username and password for access. Access not working? E-mail us to let us know the problem.
Industry News
South Korea Seeks Recon Planes by 2014 |
South Korea aims to have two new, advanced signals intelligence aircraft flying near North Korea by 2014, procurement and industry sources say. (Defense News)
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Spectrum Control to Buy Defense Systems Firm Sage |
Spectrum Control Inc. said Monday that it has signed a deal to acquire the defense industry firm Sage Laboratories Inc. from Ceralta Technologies Inc. (AP)
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Teledyne Technologies to Acquire Intelek plc |
Teledyne Technologies Incorporated and Intelek plc jointly announced today that they have reached agreement on the terms of a recommended cash offer to be made by Teledyne for the entirety of Intelek. (Marketwatch)
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Major Changes for Yuma Outlined in Marine Corps' JSF Basing Plan |
If the preferred plan for basing the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter at the air station is approved, major changes are in store for Yuma over the next six years. (defpro)
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Promoting the New Look for the Russian Armed Forces |
In the summer of 2008 unidentified sources in the Russian defense ministry began to talk about a working document devoted to force structure development to 2030. (Georgian Daily)
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AOC News
Watch the Video of Gen. Elder Discussing the New AOC White Paper
The Association of Old Crows (AOC) has released a new report titled "21st Century Electronic Warfare." The report, written by Lt Gen Robert Elder, Jr., USAF (ret.), discusses how electronic warfare (EW) is evolving and why control of the electromagnetic environment (EME) is essential for current and future military operations. You can view Gen. Elder discussing the paper in an exclusive video free to AOC members.
Click here to watch the video
Read the Spring IO Journal
The newest edition of the IO Journal - your resource for the most cutting edge journal articles on information operations - is now available for download or in our interactive digital format.
Click here to access the digital magazine
Click here to download a PDF
CTT, Inc.
At the Heart of Next Generation Electronic Defense Systems: 0.1-20 GHz LNAs, 0.2-100W PAs, Special Purpose Amplifiers, Contract Manufacturing. http://www.cttinc.com
Calendar of Events
July 13-16: Cyber Warrior Course |
July 26: ELINT and EW Database Fundamentals |
July 27-28: Operationalizing Intelligence in Electronic Warfare for the 21st Century |
August 17-19: 12th Annual Space Protection Conference |
September 14-16: Cyber Warfare – The Weaponry & Strategies of Digital Conflict Course |
October 3-7: AOC 47th Annual Convention & Symposium |
October 19-21: Fall EWIIP Conference |
November 16-18: Cyber Warfare – The Weaponry & Strategies of Digital Conflict Course |
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