What's New
June 7-10: Register Now for AOC Kittyhawk Week |
Come join us June 7-10, 2010 for the 38th Sensors/AOC Kittyhawk Week in Fairborn, OH. Kittyhawk Week will provide operating command representatives and DOD acquisition organizations with the most current information on exploratory/advanced development efforts, technology trends, transition status, and investment strategy and opportunities within AFRL Sensors Directorate portfolio. All sessions will be at the SECRET//NOFORN level at the AT&T Conference Center (2940 Presidential Drive, Suite 390, Fairborn, OH 45424).
Registration fees: $15 Government/Military Employees; $500 AOC Members; and $545 for Non-AOC member
Top-Level Agenda (Please visit our website for an up to date detailed agenda)
Monday, 7 June: Scholarship Golf Outing; NCR Country Club; 0900 Shotgun Start
Tuesday, 8 June: Senior Leader Perspectives; Threats & Technologies; Reception
Wednesday, 9 June: Operator Requirements; EW Focus Areas; Panel Discussion
Thursday, 10 June: Current/Planned Programs
Stay tuned to eCrow for future updates to the website.
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July 27-28: Operationalizing Intelligence in Electronic Warfare for the 21st Century |
This Classified, US Only level conference provides AOC members with a unique opportunity to discuss EW with the intelligence professionals who actually perform the analysis and production. Hosted at the National Air and Space Intelligence Agency, the conference also allows for classified-level discussions critical to addressing the integration of Intelligence and Electronic Warfare. Register now!
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July 13-15: Register for the International Spectrum Control Conference |
Plan now to attend the AOC International Spectrum Control Conference, held in conjunction with AFRL, in Rome, NY. Unclassified sessions will be held July 13-14 at The Turning Stone Resort & Casino in Verona, NY. The July 15 session, Classified//Rel to USA, CAN, AUS & GBR will be held at the Rome Research Site, Rome, NY. Check back for additional information and register today!
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Industry News
'Joint Strike Fighter' Really Three Different Jets, Pentagon Says |
The idea was to build a single jet that could take off from a runway, roar from an aircraft carrier – or just lift straight up into the sky. Sure, there'd be small differences in the three "variants" of the Joint Strike Fighter. But the common parts would far, far outweigh them – allowing the Defense Department to buy thousands of the planes at tag-sale prices.
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DARPA Builds Cyber Range to Test Security Measures |
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and industry are developing a National Cyber Range to test network attack-and-defend strategies, much the same way that the United States created a range at Bikini Atoll in the 1940s and 1950s to test atomic weapons. (GCN)
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Access the May JED Digital Edition
The May JED is available now, but you can read any edition of JED since January 2009 online in our interactive digital format. Each edition requires your username and password. You may also use this courtesy password for access to the May edition only:
Username: MayJED
Password: crow0510
Read the Spring IO Journal
The newest edition of the IO Journal - your resource for the most cutting edge journal articles on information operations - is now available for download or in our interactive digital format.
Click here to access the digital magazine
Click here to download a PDF
AOC News
AOC Convention Call for Papers Submission Deadline is Monday! |
 The AOC is soliciting papers for the 47th International Symposium and Convention, October 3-7, 2010, in Atlanta, GA, the theme of which is "Electronic Warfare in a Changing Environment." Papers are due by May 31, 2010, which is less than a week away, so submit yours today!
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Dixie Crows Lend Support to Local Organizations |
Dixie Crow Chapter supports the Warner Robins Leadership 2010 graduating class and the JoAnna McAfee Childhood Cancer Foundation.
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Read the new AOC White Paper on 21st Century EW |
The Association of Old Crows (AOC) has released a new report titled, 21st Century Electronic Warfare. The report, written by Lt Gen Robert Elder, Jr., USAF (ret.), discusses how electronic warfare (EW) is evolving and why control of the electromagnetic environment (EME) is essential for current and future military operations.
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Become an AOC Instructor: Apply Today! |
Your Association of Old Crows treasures its heritage, one with a strong foundation in providing relevant education to members of this community. As "New Crows" join our ranks, it's critical that we continue to provide professional education to help them mature and lead us to greater success in this increasingly complex and demanding electromagnetic environment.
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CTT, Inc.
At the Heart of Next Generation Electronic Defense Systems: 0.1-20 GHz LNAs, 0.2-100W PAs, Special Purpose Amplifiers, Contract Manufacturing. http://www.cttinc.com
Calendar of Events
June 7-10: AOC Kittyhawk Week |
June 8-10: Cyber Warfare – The Weaponry & Strategies of Digital Conflict Course |
July 13-15: International Spectrum Control Conference |
July 26: ELINT and EW Database Fundamentals |
July 27-28: Operationalizing Intelligence in Electronic Warfare for the 21st Century |
August 17-19: 12th Annual Space Protection Conference |
September 14-16: Cyber Warfare – The Weaponry & Strategies of Digital Conflict Course |
October 3-6: AOC 47th Annual Convention & Symposium |
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