What's New
There's still time. Come and register on-site at the D.C. Convention Center to get the latest information on what's coming for USCYBERCOM, the future for Cyber & EW and much more. Uniformed military and students attend for free.
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May 25-27: Register for the 37th Annual EW Symposium at NAS Whidbey Island |
Registration is now open for the 37th Annual EW Symposium, May 25-27 at NAS Whidbey Island. This year's theme is "Electronic Attack for Spectrum Superiority in Support of Fleet and Combatant Commanders." AOC Scholarship Banquet guest speaker is CAPT Mark Darrah (PMA-265). The symposium is classified SECRET/NOFORN.
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Access the May JED Digital Edition
The May JED is available now, but you can read any edition of JED since January 2009 online in our interactive digital format. View any past issue while in any current issue by clicking the ARCHIVES button at the top. You can also perform a keyword search of the current edition or all past editions by clicking SEARCH. Click SAVE to download an offline copy to your desktop. Each edition requires your username and password. You may also use this courtesy password for access to the May edition only:
Username: MayJED
Password: crow0510
Read the Spring IO Journal
Just in time for InfowarCon 2010, the newest edition of the IO Journal – your resource for the most cutting edge journal articles on information operations – is now available for download or in our interactive digital format.
Click here to access the digital magazine
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Industry News
Comtech to Acquire CPI For $472 Million |
Comtech Telecommunications is moving to acquire CPI International in a deal that will help Comtech in its goal of developing a one-stop shopping approach for radio frequency products. CPI said the transaction will have an enterprise value of $472 million. (Information Week)
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U.S. Army Pursues Afghanistan ISR Needs |
There are only 11 months left in the Pentagon's window to show progress in Afghanistan, and progress is still spotty. (Aviation Week)
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Iran Equips Fighter Jets with New Electronic Warfare Systems |
The Iranian Army's Air Force has recently equipped its fighter jets with newly developed sophisticated electronic warfare systems, a senior Iranian army commander announced on Sunday. (Fars News Agency)
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Is the Cyber Threat Being Exaggerated? |
A recent simulation of a devastating cyberattack on America was crying for a Bruce Willis lead: A series of mysterious attacks--probably sanctioned by China but traced to servers in the Russian city of Irkutsk--crippled much of the national infrastructure, including air traffic, financial markets and even basic email. (Wall Street Journal)
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Boeing's Phantom Ray to Fly in December |
The Phantom Ray will be a testbed for unspecified "advanced technologies," and in a press release Monday, Boeing rattled off an array of potential missions for the aircraft, from the now standard UAV tasks of recon and surveillance to aerial refueling, electronic attack and the menacingly vague "strike." (Cnet.com)
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AOC News
NEXT WEEK: AOC Releases White Paper: Fundamental Principles for 21st Century EW
The AOC's new white paper, Fundamental Principles on 21st Century Electronic Warfare, authored by Lt Gen Robert J. Elder (USAF, Ret.), received an early viewing this week at the AOC/Shephard EW2010 Conference in Berlin, Germany. The white paper provides practitioners in all warfighting domains with a fundamental way of thinking about EW in an age of increased eletromagnetic spectrum (EMS) dependancy. Video of General Elder dicussing the white paper will be available next week at www.crows.org, or look for links in next Wednesday's edition of eCrow.
AOC Convention: Call for Papers Submission Deadline is May 31 |
 The AOC is soliciting papers for the 47th International Symposium and Convention, Oct. 3-7, 2010, in Atlanta, Ga., the theme of which is "Electronic Warfare in a Changing Environment." Papers are due by May 31, 2010.
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Become an AOC Instructor: Apply Today!
Your Association of Old Crows treasures its heritage, one with a strong foundation in providing relevant education to members of this community. As "New Crows" join our ranks, it's critical that we continue to provide professional education to help them mature and lead us to greater success in this increasingly complex and demanding electromagnetic environment.
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CTT, Inc.
At the Heart of Next Generation Electronic Defense Systems: 0.1-20 GHz LNAs, 0.2-100W PAs, Special Purpose Amplifiers, Contract Manufacturing. http://www.cttinc.com
Calendar of Events
May 12-14: InfowarCon 2010 |
May 17-18: OSINT Hacks for Mining the Russian Internet |
May 18-20: Information as Power: "Now Media" and the Struggle for Minds and Wills Course |
May 24-28: Electro-Optics Infrared Primer Course |
May 24-28: IEEE International Microwave Symposium (MTT-S) |
June 7-10: AOC Kittyhawk Week |
June 8-10: Cyber Warfare – The Weaponry & Strategies of Digital Conflict Course |
July 13-15: International Spectrum Control Conference |
July 26: ELINT and EW Database Fundamentals |
July 27-28: Operationalizing Intelligence in Electronic Warfare for the 21st Century |
Aug. 17-19: 12th Annual Space Protection Conference |
Sept. 14-16: Cyber Warfare – The Weaponry & Strategies of Digital Conflict Course |
Oct. 3-6: AOC 47th Annual Convention & Symposium |
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