Dixie Crows Update Electronic Warfare Exhibit at the Museum of Aviation
The Dixie Crow Chapter of the Association of Old Crows has partnered with the Museum of Aviation in Warner Robins, Georgia to update the Electronic Warfare Exhibit. The Dixie Crow Chapter opened the EW exhibit in 1992 and has provided several minor updates over the past 20 years. A major update of the exhibit is necessary to take advantage of technology and to communicate the increasing role of EW in modern warfare. The Dixie Crow Chapter is committed to preserving the rich history of EW and promoting education in math and science. In support of this exhibit the Dixie Crow Chapter added a $1,000 budget line in their annual budget for upkeep/updates of the EW Exhibit in the Museum.
Jim Hundley, Museum Committee Chair, has laid out a phased approach to updating the exhibit and expanding the message. Each phase will build on previous efforts to modernize the exhibit. Subsequent phases will expand the exhibit into the hallway as surface-to-air missiles, EW aircraft and EW systems hardware are added. The first phase was completed in March 2011. We updated the videos in the exhibit, courtesy of the AOC and BAE Systems and replaced the pictures with wall boards, courtesy of Col Stan VanderWerf, USAF (ret) describing the history of EW. Pictures of the update are shown in Figure 1.
Phase II will be to update the electronics in the exhibit to include 6 HD monitors and a new computer capable of driving the displays. One of the six monitors will be dedicated to future technologies and be designed to promote math and science. To the maximum degree possible the monitors will include interactive software to draw in and educate museum visitors. An example of the existing monitors is shown in Figure 2.
Phase III will update the B-52 EWO station and the F-4 cockpit simulator. A section for anti-radiation missiles will be added (AGM-78, AGM-88, AGM-65). A picture of the B-52 EWO cockpit is shown in Figure 3 and the F-4 cockpit simulator in Figure 4.
The Dixie Crow Chapter is happy to accept donations of time, money and/or hardware.
Figure 1: First Phase examples
Figure 2: Update 6 monitors to HD flat screen
Figure 3: Update B-52 EWO station to include seat covers, curtain, display, and controls
Figure 4: F-4 cockpit simulator