CALL FOR PAPERS: "Victory Through the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum," the AOC 48th International Symposium and Convention
The AOC's annual symposium and convention, "Victory Through the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum," will take place November 13-16 in Washington, DC. The AOC is seeking original, unclassified and classified papers that discuss advancements in EW technologies and strategies from their conceptual phase through development and testing, into the user’s hands.
Users of the EMS include the US and foreign militaries, the US Department of Homeland Security, state and local law enforcement, financial institutions and you, as you use your smart phone. The spectrum is critical for operations in all domains, all phases of conflict and successful day-to-day functions across many facets of our lives; your inputs as Electronic Warfare practitioners have never been more critical.
Suggested topic areas include:
- Introduction of Advanced EW/EMS Concepts and Applications – What are Future Game-Changers?
- Joint, Coalition and Commercial EW Capabilities and Interoperability
- Cross Domain Integration to Include All Elements of Advanced Electronic Attack (Cyber Integration)
- Lessons Missed or Lessons Learned
- Life Cycle Management with a Focus on Requirements
Submission Deadline is June 1, 2011
Call for Papers
Submission Information: E-mail the following information to the AOC Convention Abstracts Review Committee at
Title of proposed paper
Name of presenter and organization represented
One or two short paragraphs describing the scope of the paper
One or two short paragraphs describing the credibility of the presenter on this subject.
Speakers selected will be notified of their provisional acceptance by late June or as soon as all slots are filled. Two back-up speakers will also be recognized on the printed program and their papers will be published on the Web page whether presented or not.
In July, each selected speaker will be mailed a comprehensive Speakers Guide from AOC National Headquarters. It will contain detailed information on what to submit for final reproduction and information for a complimentary registration for the presenter.
To be included on the program each speaker must take steps to clear their presentation with their agency and/or company management to prevent disclosure of proprietary or classified information. Acceptance must be assured prior to final scheduling in July.
Presentations are limited to 25 minutes including questions and answers. Time limits are strictly enforced to keep the program on schedule.
For more information contact the AOC Convention Abstracts Review Committee at
Submission Deadline is June 1, 2011