AOC Virtual Series: Webinar Next Week
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The next AOC Virtual Series webinar is next Thursday. There's still time and space to register:
Thursday, February 25, 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET
HF meets Big Data – Intercept in an era of HF Renaissance
Presented by: Dr. Ronald Meixner
In an era of increasingly sophisticated digital attack vectors through cyberspace as well as Electronic Warfare techniques, critical businesses seeking resilient communication are turning to HF. At the same time state actors, seeking to dodge surveillance or needing long-range communication see HF as a low key less monitored channel.
In this presentation we will detail specific propagation challenges of HF DF and discuss how big data tech can be applied to make the interception and DF process faster and simpler. We will investigate latest techniques for HF propagation analysis in a DF context, from time of day issues through sun spot activity impacts.
Attendees will receive a refresher of decades of HF and DF accumulated knowledge and be brought right up to date on the latest algorithmic and processing methods that are fundamentally changing the operators role for good.
Be sure to check out the full 2021 schedule to sign up for more webinars.