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AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: Space EW, January 11
Thursday, January 11 | 14:00-15:00 EST (19:00-20:00 UTC)
Space is an Electronic Warfare domain, just like land, sea and air. We significantly dependent on satellite assets and those assets are vulnerable to enemy kinetic or electronic attack.
In ground, sea and air based EW, the closer we get to targets, the better we can intercept or jam them. Satellite borne systems are by their nature far away—creating challenges that require careful consideration.
In this Webinar, we will discuss the nature of EW in space. First we will talk about the nature of Earth satellite orbits and their parameters. Satellites do not go where we want them to go in the short term; they go where they want to go. However, we can predict where they will be at any given time.
We will start by discussing satellite orbits, then (gently) discuss spherical trigonometry. Then we will cover some formulas for:
• The range between a satellite and an Earth surface threat
• Look angles from a satellite
• Doppler shift between Earth stations and satellites
• Satellite to Earth station and Earth surface threat link budgets
• How long a low Earth satellite can see a spot on the Earth’s surface
• How much of the Earth’s surface a satellite can see
Finally, we will briefly discuss two practical problems: Intercept and jamming of a threat on the Surface of the Earth from a satellite.
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