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SAVE THE DATE: 6th Annual AOC Pacific Conference, October 17-19 in Honolulu
Non-Kinetic Fires (EW & IO) in the Multi-Domain Battle
The theme for the 2017 AOC Pacific Conference, "Non-Kinetic Fires (EW & IO) in the Multi-Domain Battle," will drive discussions that build upon those from the last two AOC Pacific Conferences, that examined the role of IO in countering/defeating Anti-Access and Area Denial (A2/AD) strategies (2016), IO in Hybrid Warfare (2015).
America’s current and potential adversaries in the Pacific regard EW and cyber as critical components of both peacetime hybrid warfare and A2/AD. An example of offensive cyber used as part of hybrid warfare is seen in the recent "Wanna Cry" computer attack, launched by North Korea’s 6,700-strong "hacking Army" which is based worldwide. The importance of effective electronic protect computer network defense was reinforced by MG Patricia Frost, who stated simply "Without the network, there is no Multi-Domain Battle." Our adversaries will make this difficult, as they seek to overmatch our EP and CND capabilities. It is a real concern among defense experts that adversaries and threat actors are employing automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in both offensive and defensive cyber capabilities at rates that exceeding that of the U.S.
Information Operations are applicable to MDB and the A2/AD challenge in peacetime competition, as well as during conflict in an A2/AD environment. The Phase 0 challenge for the IO Staff remains that of countering and defeating adversary IO that accompanies their theater shaping activities designed to change the battlefield geometry to facilitate a stronger adversary A2/AD theater posture. Successfully overcoming A2/AD strategies in war will require an effective IO supporting effort, coordinated by IO staffs who will need to plan for an orderly and prompt transition from crisis to conflict. In both of these frames, there are a great many questions to be answered about how to do this effectively Jointly, and with Allies and Partners.
The 2017 AOC Pacific Conference will once again provide a professional venue for both unclassified and classified discussions to find those answers.
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