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NEW AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: Required Signal Processing for Stand-In ES Intercept Receivers, June 15
Thursday, June 15, 2017 | 14:00-15:00 EST
The characteristics of digital LPI (Low Probability of Intercept) radars make them particularly difficult to find using traditional intercept receivers. Their radar’s continuous waveform (CW) modulation gives them a large processing gain with an unlimited number of diverse variations. With a low output power (< 1W), ultra-low antenna sidelobes coupled with a large mismatch in processing gain, their features render them nearly invisible to conventional intercept receivers.
Consequently, passive intercept receivers must be securely networked and be able to "stand-in" to get close enough to discover these emitters. They also must increase their processing gain by using sophisticated signal processing techniques to autonomously detect and classify the LPI emitters in real-time to provide a fast response-time for the management of operations within the theater.
In this talk, an overview of LPI emitter characteristics is presented followed by examples of CW modulation schemes that are used. The difference between a low probability of detection (LPD) and a LPI emitter is explained. The origin of LPI radar is then revealed including a discussion of different receiver sensitivities. Autonomous detection and classification methods are also emphasized. Several different signal processing domains that can be used to detect a LPI emitter are reviewed and examples are shown to illustrate their advantages. The major difficulties in this tactic are examined and special rules for a successful stand-in operation are emphasized.
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