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Thanks to the generosity of the Raytheon Corporation, the National AOC Education Foundation received some generous resources in the past year. Two college students (junior or senior) shall receive a $12,500 scholarship each. There are several criteria these students must meet to be eligible for a scholarship. Please consult the following link for an application, which contains the eligibility criteria:
We need to get the word out about these two scholarships. Please spread the word at chapter meetings, chapter social gatherings, or chapter emails. As a member of AOC, you yourself can hand out copies of the application, email it to your colleagues, or encourage fellow members to do the same. If your chapter has an association with local colleges through a current scholarship program, please work with your scholarship committee to see that the proper representative at those schools is contacted, and provided with an electronic copy of the application.
Something to keep in mind is these students should be majoring in a technical field. Ultimately, AOC wishes to see more people serving in government/industry supporting National Defense, so we need these professionals to possess strong degrees in engineering and science. Specific categories include: in Electronic Warfare (EW), Information Operations (IO), Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) and Cyber Electromagnetic Activities (CEMA). When passing along the particulars of this great opportunity, please be sure to emphasize this eligibility requirement
All applications are due by March 31, 2017, and are to be sent directly from the applying student to
Please act quickly to get the word out to as many people as you can. AOC is counting on you to help find the right students to meet its future goals in sustaining electronic warfare.