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CALL FOR POSTERS: AOC International Symposium and Convention
The AOC Poster Session will provide an excellent forum for authors, educators, students and young engineers to present their work in an informal and interactive setting. Posters are ideal for presenting speculative, late-breaking results, or for giving an introduction to interesting, innovative work. Posters are intended to provide authors and participants with the ability to connect with each other and to engage in discussions about the work.
The poster session provides information about the applications, architecture, implementation, performance and security of electronic warfare and information operations. Posters that present work-in-progress and draw important conclusions from practical experience are especially encouraged to submit.
E-mail the following information to Shelley Frost at
• Title of proposed paper
• Name of presenter and organization represented
• One or two short paragraphs describing the scope of the paper
Early November, each selected poster presenter will be mailed a Poster Session Guide from AOC National Headquarters. It will contain detailed information on your poster session.
For more information, contact Shelley Frost at
Submission Deadline is October 21, 2016.
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