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CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS: CEMA 2016 - Achieving Overmatch through the Convergence of Cyber, Signal, Electronic Warfare, Intelligence, and Space Capabilities, October 18-20
This upcoming October will mark 15 years of persistent conflict where the Army has enjoyed a distinct technological advantage in its fight against terrorism and in the conduct of counter-insurgency operations. Today, we are on the brink of a new era of great power competition conflict. With a resurgent Russia and an escalating China, a civil war in Syria with international implications and Iran and North Korea steadily flexing their military presence, there are forces to be reckoned with. All are employing advanced electronic warfare and cyber capabilities at a rapid rate. Given these recent developments from prospective near-peer adversaries, the Army cannot afford to "wait until the wolf is at the door" and must prioritize maintaining overmatch; easier said than done. Limited resources dictate an innovative approach to the problem. The answer lies in the effective enterprise capability convergence of cyber, signal, electronic warfare, intelligence, information operations and space capabilities to ensure cyberspace dominance while simultaneously denying the same advantage to adversaries. The idea of capability convergence as a combat multiplier is the basis for this year’s conference theme.
The CEMA 2016 conference committee is soliciting original papers from the United States and Five Eyes Nations, Government, Academia, Industry, Operators and Subject Matter Experts to discuss current and emerging trends in Electronic Warfare, Cyber, Signals Intelligence and Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations. Conference presentations may be classified TS/SCI US Only, Secret Releasable FVEYS or Unclassified//FOUO (please indicate which classification you are submitting for as we will have multiple sessions at various classification levels); however, abstracts must be unclassified. All who attend will gain a better understanding with respect to current and future threats, emerging requirements, technological advances, policy, and potential opportunities for collaboration.
You are invited to submit an abstract of presentation that align with the following topics:
1. Cyberspace Effects Cell – User Perspectives (17/29 series, and 25E only)
2. Emerging Threats, Capability Gaps, Requirements and Doctrine
3. Cyber/Signal/EW/Intelligence Convergence
4. CEMA Programs and Acquisition Initiatives
5. Maintaining EW/Cyber Overmatch and the Army "Big Eight"
6. CEMA Science &Technology Trends
7. Intelligence Support to EW & Cyberspace Operations
8. Cyber Electromagnetic Operations (CEMO) in Support of Targeting
9. Experimentation, Exercises and Training to Inform Cyber Electromagnetic Operations (CEMO)
10. Joint, International and Industry Perspectives and Opportunities
Abstracts for presentations must be at the unclassified level and in text format. Please forward abstracts Ms. Shelley Frost at by 8 July 2016. Abstracts are limited to one page of text or 400 words. To facilitate the selection processes please ensure your submitted abstract file is labeled with your last name and short title. For example: "Smith_Cyber Effects Cell.doc." Notification of acceptance and presentation submission instructions will be by 29 July 2016. Presentations will be required in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 or earlier format. In order to meet required foreign disclosure procedures, final presentations are required to be submitted with appropriate foreign disclosure paperwork by 2 September 2016 to ensure adequate processing. Foreign disclosure processes will be listed here when finalized.
(note: dates are proposed for initial planning purposes only and subject to change based on the finalization of the foreign disclosure processes currently in staffing. Actual dates are expected to fall on or within 7 – 10 days of listed dates)
Abstracts Due: 8 July 2016
Notification of Acceptance: 22 July 2016
Final Presentations with Foreign Disclosure paperwork: 2 September 2016
Call for Presentations Flyer
Conference Page