CALL FOR PAPERS: AOC India Chapter EWCI 2016, February 22-25
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The Fourth International Conference on Electronic Warfare (EWCI) is the latest event in the benchmark of the EWCI Conference Series in the advanced field of EW. The conference is being organized by the award-winning India Chapter of Association of Old Crows, Bangalore. The conference is supported by Defence Research and Development Organisation, India. Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore is the patronizing sponsor of the event. The conference addresses the technical and commercial needs of operational users, planners, developers, procurers, testers and trainers of the latest EW technologies and systems. A large-scale indoor exhibition will accompany the conference, displaying the latest EW products from international EW organizations. There will be intense, one-day, pre-conference tutorials preceding the conference.
Conference Details
The conference receives a huge response in terms of technical papers internationally, covering all aspects of exploiting electromagnetic spectrum for electronic warfare and information operations. Technical papers are solicited in these areas, including the following topics:
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Conference Details
The conference receives a huge response in terms of technical papers internationally, covering all aspects of exploiting electromagnetic spectrum for electronic warfare and information operations. Technical papers are solicited in these areas, including the following topics:
- Advances in EW systems, architectures, techniques and technologies
- EW systems modelling and simulation
- EW and EO threat simulators, testing and evaluation
- Advances in ECM/ECCM techniques, expendable repeater and IR jammers
- Electro-optic based EW systems – missile approach warning systems and laser warning systems
- Network centric and information warfare
- EW antennas, active electronically scanned arrays and shared apertures
- Radar finger printing, LPI emitters techniques for interception and countermeasures, emitter location algorithms
- Communication DF receivers, digital receivers, EW signal processors, satellite-based EW challenges
- SIGINT, RWR, ESM, multi-sensor warner, directed energy weapons
- Microwave and millimeter wave technology for EW
- Lightweight EW systems for UAV, aerostat and other platforms
- Program management of complex EW systems
- EW interference to TV/radio/mobile transmissions and their maintenance
- EW ops and spectrum management in joint services operation scenario and challenges
- Operation flight programs and airborne EW software and their verification and validation
- IED detection, anti-terrorism operations and low-intensity warfare
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