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DON'T MISS TOMORROW'S WEBINAR: IQ Signal Recording – Getting Answers from Big IQ Data
August 6, 2015 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
Modern EW and commercial RF emitters are designed at baseband using in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) waveforms. Such waveforms are used by analysts, spectrum managers and test engineers to evaluate modern weapon systems prior to deployment. However, in an increasingly congested and contested EMS, real-world waveforms often arrive at their intended receivers distorted from their transmitting source due to external or self-generated interference. To make matters worse, such interfering and non-compliant waveforms are often unpredictable. We do not know when they will occur, where they will appear or how long they will last. In order to fully understand the true nature of these signals, many seconds, minutes or even days of IQ record time may be required to guarantee that 100 percent of the event is captured. Once captured, engineers must wade through mountains of IQ data to validate compliance or understand specific waveform forensics. Signal processing tools must be applied to process these large blocks of recorded spectrum to understand how temporal and often transient interference impacts a victim receiver. Recording 100 percent of the IQ events of interest gives the designer and spectrum manager forensic evidence of what actually happened in the electromagnetic domain. And, because these recordings contain 100 percent of the IQ signal content and not just a visual history, the interfering signals provide engineers undeniable proof of the event characteristics. These recordings can also be re-used as IQ signal sources in margin and stress testing new designs.
This briefing will cover some of the big IQ data challenges and solutions facing spectrum warriors as they work to validate weapon systems and characterize modern threats. It will also look at the implications of emerging threats and how IQ signal recording solutions must evolve to help the warfighter.
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