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AOC CONVENTION: Show Floor is 88% Sold! Reserve Your Booth Today!
The Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention is the leading trade event of the global Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence market. Across the globe, governments spend more than $7 billion per year on EW and SIGINT equipment and services. How do companies (from systems manufacturers to subsystem and component suppliers) reach their customers in this unique market? They exhibit at the AOC Convention.
For more than 50 years, the AOC Symposium has served as the meeting place for the military customers who buy EW and SIGINT systems and the companies who develop and manufacture them. It is, without a doubt, the most important annual trade event in the global EW and SIGINT market.
The 2014 AOC Convention in Washington, D.C., drew more than 1,300 participants from 29 countries. For most of the 95-plus organizations that exhibited at the Symposium, this was a highly successful event, especially since many of the Symposium attendees who visited the exhibition floor controlled or influenced acquisition decisions within their organizations.
Space is filling up quickly, so secure yours today. Contact Stew Taylor, Exhibits Manager, or (540) 891-9956.
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