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PRESENTATIONS DUE JUNE 22: Cyber Electromagnetic Activity 2015, Oct. 6-8, Aberdeen Proving Ground
The International AOC and APG Susquehanna Chapter of the AOC, under a co-sponsorship agreement with Army Team C4ISR APG, will hold the Inaugural CEMA 2015 Conference at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD. Sessions are open to Five Eye nations.
The theme for the inaugural CEMA 2015 event is "Synchronizing Cyber Electromagnetic Activities to Win in a Complex World." The newly published Army Operating Concept (AOC) emphasizes the importance of ready land forces and their significance to the joint and coalition fight and recognizes the need for continued innovation to "Win in a Complex World." Cyberspace operations, in conjunction with electronic warfare and electromagnetic spectrum operations, are identified in the AOC as one of the seven core Army competency areas critical to shaping the operational environment and winning decisively. Equally new to the Army is the concept of Cyber Electromagnetic Activities, or CEMA, which is outlined in the first doctrinal field manual of its kind that integrates and synchronizes cyberspace operations, electronic warfare (EW), and spectrum management operations (SMO). The CEMA 2015 event will allow for an exchange of ideas, concepts, and information; provide a venue to address these new and emerging concepts; and serve as a framework to discuss ongoing and future research and development to set the conditions for innovation and success.
Attending the CEMA 2015 event will also provide the Army and DOD electronic warfare and cyber communities of interest an opportunity to meet with and discuss the current and emerging electronic and cyber warfare requirements with coalition partners, industry technicians, engineers, scientists, and other government agencies and learn from their successes.
The newly published Army Operating Concept (AOC) emphasizes the importance of ready land forces and their significance to the joint and coalition fight and recognizes the need for continued innovation to "Win in a Complex World." Cyberspace operations, in conjunction with electronic warfare and electromagnetic spectrum operations, are identified in the Army Operating Concept as one of the seven core competency areas critical to shaping the operational environment and winning decisively. Equally new to the Army is the concept of Cyber Electromagnetic Activities, or CEMA, which is outlined in the first doctrinal field manual of its kind that integrates and synchronizes cyberspace operations, electronic warfare (EW), and spectrum management operations (SMO). The CEMA 2015 event will provide the DOD and services an opportunity to meet with leadership from the United States and Five Eyes nations, government, academia, and industry to discuss current and emerging trends in electronic warfare, cyber, and electromagnetic spectrum operations with respect to threats, emerging requirements, technological advances, and potential opportunities for collaboration.
Presentations or demonstrations from all services, Five Eyes partners, DOD, warfighters, industry, and academia are requested that explore the concept of enabling or integrated EW/cyber/EMSO capabilities and the necessary innovation required to set the conditions for innovation and success. Submitted abstracts are specifically requested to address one or more of the symposium sessions: 1) EWO and Spectrum Manager Warfighter Perspectives; 2) Trends in Electromagnetic Spectrum Capabilities; 3) Agile Acquisition; 4) Threats, Capability Gaps, and Requirements; 5) Cyber/EW "Convergence"; 6) Technology Trends, Testing, Experimentation, and Exercises; 7) Joint and Industry Perspectives; 8) International Efforts and Opportunities; and 9) Tactical Cyber Operations and Concepts. Amplifying information on these supporting topics and the draft agenda are referenced above.
Abstracts for presentations are required in unclassified textual format. Please forward abstracts to Shelley Frost at The deadline is June 22, 2015. We request that abstracts be limited to one page of text or 400 words. To facilitate the selection processes, please ensure your submitted abstract file is labeled with your last name, session number and short title. For example: "Ryan_session3_AgileAcquisition.doc." Symposium presentations may be unclassified or classified, however, abstracts should be unclassified. Notification of acceptance and presentation submission instructions will occur by July 8, 2015. Presentations will be required in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 or earlier format. To meet required foreign disclosure procedures, final presentations are required to be submitted with appropriate foreign disclosure paperwork by August 24, 2015, to ensure adequate processing. Foreign disclosure processes will be listed on the conference website ( when finalized.
(Note: Dates are proposed for initial planning purposes only and are subject to change based on the finalization of the foreign disclosure processes currently in staffing. Actual dates are expected to fall on or within 7-10 days of listed dates.)
Abstracts Due: June 22
Notification of Acceptance: July 8
Final Presentations with Foreign Disclosure Paperwork: August 24
Security Clearance: September 14
Full Conference Details