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PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE MAY WEBINAR: Demystifying Monopulse Radars, May 7
1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
Modern tracking radars are almost always classified as monopulse radars. But what does the term "monopulse" really mean, and how do monopulse systems work? Do other options exist, and, if so, why are they not as widely used? And most importantly: What does this all mean in the real world?
This webinar will attempt to answer these and other questions by considering monopulse and other comparable techniques. The historical development of these techniques will be summarized to show how this process led almost inevitably to the development of monopulse radar. A simplified version of the theory behind monopulse will be provided to show how the measured returns are related to an angular error. A basic discussion of some of the approaches used to implement monopulse radar will be provided including considerations such as the difference between amplitude- and phase-comparison monopulse. Throughout this presentation, the focus will be on why each of these considerations is relevant to real-world systems.
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