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JUST 10 BOOTHS REMAIN: 15th Annual AOC Electronic Warfare Europe, "Future EW – Innovation, Information & Interoperability"
May 26-28, 2015 | Stockholm, Sweden
Make the most out of your attendance at EW Europe. There are very few stands left, so contact the sales team today. Don't miss out on a stand and make use of our range of sponsorship opportunities to promote your brand and messaging.
EW Europe 2015 will once again bring together all the communities needed to underpin successful transformation of EW and all related EM capabilities including SIGINT, C4ISR, spectrum management and cyber. It attracts leaders and operators from the military, government, academia, S&T and R&D and critically, industry. Book your stand space today to secure your place.
EW Europe's conference programme for Day One and Day Two is now available on the EW Europe website. The main conference will be preceded by the PLATH Intelligence Workshop on 26 May. Participate in information sharing through the comprehensive conference on 27-28 May produced by the AOC.
Speaker Highlights- Keynote Address - Maj Gen Ken Israel USAF (Retd) AOC President, US
- Keynote Address - The Baltic Region from a Swedish Perspective - Deputy Director Joint Operations, Sweden
- Overview of Sweden's EW Capability Development - Head of EW Systems Department, Sensor and EW Systems Division, FOI, Sweden
- NATO Air Platform Protection Programme - A/Department Manager, Sensors & Countermeasures, dstl Porton Down, UK
- Enabling Technologies for Radar Warning & Electronic Countermeasures Applications - Jonas Grönberg, Product Manager Gripen, EW Division. SAAB Electronic Defense Systems, Sweden
- Cyber EW Capability and the Boost of the EMS - Daniela Pistoia, Company Chief Scientist, Head of Product Innovation & Advanced EW Solutions, Elettronica S.p.A., Italy
- Electromagnetic Spectrum Challenges & Opportunities - Laurie Moe Buckhout, Colonel, US Army (Ret), Senior Advisor to Office of the Secretary of Defense, Chief Information Officer, United States
- Keynote Address -
Capability Development in the Swedish Airforce - Commander Air Component Command, Sweden
Register Now for this premier AOC Global event!
Conference Details