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NEW FEBRUARY WEBINAR SERIES: Don't Miss Two New AOC Virtual Series on LTE, February 12 and 19!
LTE – Ready for Critical Communication?
February 12, 2015 | 1400-1500 EST (1900-2000 GMT)
The worldwide success of UMTS Long Term Evolution (LTE) as THE wireless communication standard for mobile broadband data and High Definition (HD) voice delivery, including video, in today’s commercial communication networks has led to a commitment by governmental authorities to select LTE as underlying technology also for the next generation public safety network. In the United States, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) has reserved paired spectrum of two times 10 MHz bandwidth in the 700 MHz for a nationwide public safety network, which should be deployed, maintained and serviced by the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet). Recently, South Korea has also announced plans to deploy a nationwide network for critical communication based on LTE. However, LTE as a technology, and in its current version, is not quite ready to support all the requirements of the public safety community. Features like device-to-device communication (D2D) or group communication are not yet part of the standard. In fact, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), the standardization body behind LTE, is still working on these enhancements. They are intended to become part of the next release of relevant technical specification, known as 3GPP Release 12 to be finalized by end of 2014. Further enhancements like Mission Critical Push To Talk (MCPTT) will be part of the following release 13. Adding these features and its Self Organizing Network (SON) capabilities makes LTE also an interesting candidate to be used as underlying technology for next generation tactical communication to be used at the "battlefield of the future." In this presentation, the current status of standardization will be presented and resulting technical challenges will be identified.
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Vulnerabilities of LTE
February 19, 2015 | 1400-1500 EST (1900-2000 GMT)
Long Term Evolution (LTE) is one of the choices for next generation broadband wireless networks. LTE is expected to be the most dominant fourth-generation technology. This commercial technology is also under consideration for defense applications where security, reliability and interoperability issues need to be addressed. This webinar offers a glimpse of vulnerabilities and challenges of LTE. A brief overview of LTE is given. Air interface challenges such as jamming and interference vulnerabilities are described, as well as interoperability with pulsed signals (radars). Extension of LTE to various applications such as planes and satellites will be discussed and associated technology development challenges are summarized. By the conclusion of this webinar, you will be able to describe LTE capabilities, air interface challenges and technology development challenges of LTE in defense applications.
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