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AOC VIRTUAL SERIES: 3 Pillars of EW, Part 2 – Electronic Support, Next Wednesday
Modern Electronic Warfare is made up of three vital components. Electronic Attack (EA), Electronic Support (ES), and Electronic Protection (EP). This three-part series discusses in detail the intricacies of each "pillar" in the EW enterprise.
In most military disciplines, the terms "attack," "support" and "protect" are usually platform-centric. In U.S. doctrine, EW is unique in that these terms apply to Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) access – rather than looking at them from a platform-centric perspective.
Part 2: The importance of Electronic Support:
September 3 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
The terms Electronic Support (ES) or Electronic Support Measures (ESM) describe the division of electronic warfare involving actions taken under direct control of an operational commander to detect, intercept, identify, locate, record and/or analyze sources of radiated electromagnetic energy for the purposes of immediate threat recognition or longer-term operational planning. Thus, Electronic Support provides a source of information required for decisions involving Electronic Protection (EP), Electronic Attack (EA), avoidance, targeting, and other tactical employment of forces. This webinar will cover basic ES principles to include: ES System Components; Signal Processing; Direction Finding Techniques; GEO Location Techniques; Factors that impact ES; and ES Collection and Data Bases.

Part 3: The importance of Electronic Protection (EP)
September 18, 2014 | 1400-1500 EDT (1800-1900 GMT)
EP is the division of EW involving actions taken to defend access to the electromagnetic spectrum. Ensuring unfettered access to the spectrum at the time and place of ones choosing requires technology, tactics, and tenacity. Formerly known as electronic counter countermeasures or ECCM; electronic protection has often been viewed as solely a retaliatory or responsive component of spectrum engagement standing on its own, independent of its sensing and attack brethren. During this webinar, you will learn why this perception is not valid in our ever evolving world of Electronic Warfare. The presentation will highlight how many of the best forms of EP are not only integrally related to ES and EA, but that the most effective approaches to EP are baked in and not spread on. Truly effective EP requires the same environmental awareness we demand of our electronic sensing equipment and the same technique generating prowess we demand of our electronic attack systems.