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EVERY VOTE COUNTS: AOC Election Ends August 22 – Vote today!
Fellow Crows,
Each of us is like an element in an array. We can be passive or we can be active. Voting is active. The more active elements, the greater the potential gain from the array. When we bring together all of the active elements of our AOC array the gain produces a very powerful signal. That high gain signal can be modulated to impact the entire Electromagnetic Warfare community. And it all starts with a single element – your vote. It is your responsibility to vote for those individuals and changes you deem appropriate to carry your organization forward. As a member of the Association of Old Crows, voting is both a privilege and a responsibility. Take advantage of the privilege and exercise your responsibility. Elections are currently open and will remain so until August 22.
You can see the candidate slate and motions online and in the July JED. To help you better understand the proposed constitutional change, the Board of Directors has issued the following message:

AOC Members: It has been said we should never lose our faculty to dare, particularly in challenging times. We (i.e., YOU) have this opportunity now. After months of intensive discussion and review, the Association of Old Crows Board has enthusiastically approved the referendum to modify our legacy AOC Constitution and Bylaws to accommodate the growing sharing of the Electromagnetic environment between EW, Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations, Information Operations and certain Elements of Cyber Operations.
The process to change our AOC Constitution and Bylaws has to not only be approved by the AOC Board but also by a majority of the votes cast by the membership. This is your opportunity to cast your vote to approve this historic change to our mission, aim and purposes. The goal is to expand our mission and increase our relevance to the dynamic technologies impacting the Electromagnetic Spectrum.