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AOC AUSTRALIA 2014: Convergence and Synergies, August 18-19
August 18-19, 2014 | Adelaide, South Australia
The Australian Chapter of the Association of Old Crows will hold its biennial Electronic Warfare, Information Operations and Cyber Convention on August 18-19, 2014. As Allied Forces shift focus from a decade-long counter-insurgency operation to emerging complex conflicts in the midst of resource constraints, please join us as we examine Electronic Warfare’s ever-increasing significance in the 21st century battlefield.
Conference Themes
The Evolving EM Threat Environment and Corresponding EW Technology Advances
Increased Coalition Operations and Dependence Upon Third-Country Partnerships
The Move from Federated EW Systems to Integrated, Network-Centric Solutions
Strategies for Increased Efficiencies and Effectiveness in EW Solutions
Changing Relationships and New Players (Cyber/IO/Comms/ISR/EA)
Emerging Cyber NCW and Software-Defined Radio Security and Protection Issues
Procurement Strategies to Meet Technology Refresh Rates
New Manned and Unmanned Maritime Patrol Capability