eCrow Newsletter
May 7, 2014

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CALL FOR PAPERS: AOC Australasia 2014, Convergence and Synergies 
August 18-19, 2014 | Adelaide, South Australia

The Australian Chapter of the Association of Old Crows will hold its biennial Electronic Warfare, Information Operations and Cyber Convention on August 18-19, 2014. As Allied Forces shift focus from a decade-long counter-insurgency operation to emerging complex conflicts in the midst of resource constraints, please join us as we examine Electronic Warfare’s ever-increasing significance in the 21st century battlefield.

Conference Themes
The Evolving EM Threat Environment and Corresponding EW Technology Advances
Increased Coalition Operations and Dependence Upon Third-Country Partnerships
The Move from Federated EW Systems to Integrated, Network-Centric Solutions
Strategies for Increased Efficiencies and Effectiveness in EW Solutions
Changing Relationships and New Players (Cyber/IO/Comms/ISR/EA)
Emerging Cyber NCW and Software-Defined Radio Security and Protection Issues
Procurement Strategies to Meet Technology Refresh Rates
New Manned and Unmanned Maritime Patrol Capability

Call For Papers
Each convention includes a significant technical program looking at new and innovative solutions and research and development. Of particular interest, this convention we will look at the convergence of EW, IO and Cyber especially as it applies to the concept of the Electro-Magnetic Spectrum (EMS) as a war fighting domain. Technical papers are now invited for the convention. Potential speakers are requested to submit a short abstract of no more than one page as soon as possible, but no later than June 2. Please send abstracts to Papers must be UNCLASSIFIED for the main convention technical program.