FORMER AOC BOARD MEMBER Daniel A.K. "DAK" Proctor Passes
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He was awarded numerous citations from the AOC, including the AOC Board of Directors Silver Medal in 1994 for "superior devotion to the aims and goals of the AOC and singularly distinctive accomplishments in support of electronic warfare for free world forces." DAK was also awarded the AOC Life Achievement Award in 1997 for his lifelong achievements and contributions in support of EW. He worked tirelessly to expand the BMC and the AOC, and DAK had recruited more than 300 AOC members. DAK was instrumental in establishing the BMC FIESTACROW symposium, which raised funding for the BMC Education Foundation. DAK established the local university scholarship and Enlisted Tuition Grant programs. Since the Education Foundation was established in 1986, the BMC has awarded more than $365,000 in scholarships as a direct result of DAK’s efforts. Several years ago the BMC established a DAK Proctor Scholarship to honor DAK’s efforts and accomplishments. DAK and his wife Mary Ann would be present at all BMC functions, from luncheons to St. Patrick's Day parties on the San Antonio River walk to the monthly games night held at Lackland AFB. Both DAK and Mary Ann were named BMC Volunteer of the Year on numerous occasions. DAK was voted BMC Director Emeritus in 1996.
DAK began his government service in 1950 after graduating from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Science degree. He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army and served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps. He served honorably and was discharged as a captain in April 1957. Upon completion of his active duty, he transferred to the U.S. Air Force Reserves and also began his career in civil service. DAK rose to the grade of colonel in the reserves before retiring in 1980. His military decorations and awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Korean Service Medal, United Nations Service Medal and Armed Forces Reserve Medal. In 1976, he was selected as one of the United States Air Force’s Outstanding Reservists.
During his concurrent federal civilian service, DAK Proctor served as a supervisory intelligence operations specialist. At the time of his retirement in 1982, he was the chief of the Intelligence Research Division, United States Air Force’s Electronic Security Command (now Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance Agency). His civilian decorations and awards include Civilian Meritorious Service Award; Department of Air Force Outstanding Unit Award; Department of the Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation; Department of the Air Force Organizational Excellence Award; The Evan’s Trophy (Air Force Special Communications Center’s Outstanding Civilian Mission Contribution Award); Air Force Special Communications Center Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Supervisory Action Award; Air Force Electronic Warfare Center EEO Supervisory Action Award; United Air Force Security Service (USAFSS) EEO Supervisory Action Award; USAFSS Distinguished EEO Award – Supervisory Action; Letter of Favorable Communications from the Office of the Secretary, Department of the Air Force, for Outstanding Contributions to the Air Force EEO Program; four Outstanding Performance Ratings and three Sustained Superior Performance Awards.
Besides his active involvement in the AOC, he also held lifetime memberships in the Air Force Association, the National Military Intelligence Association, the Freedom Through Vigilance Association, the National Active & Retired Federal Employees Association and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
DAK is survived by his wife of 52 years, Mary Ann Proctor, who was very active in supporting the BMC in many of its activities. He is also survived by his daughter, Carla A. Villyard, and two granddaughters, Jennifer and Stephanie Villyard, along with a sister, Jo Ann Hardy, and brother, Patrick R. Proctor.
DAK will be sorely missed, but his impact on the AOC and Billy Mitchell Chapter will last a long time and will continue with the BMC Education Foundation Scholarship program he helped orchestrate.