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OCTOBER AOC WEBINAR: STRATCOM’s Perspective on: The Future of Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Control
Thursday, October 3, 1400-1445 EDT
Freedom of maneuver in the Electromagnetic Spectrum (EMS) is inherently critical to conduct operations in and across all domains and joint functions. Our ability to prioritize, integrate and de-conflict EMS operations must adapt to meet the demands of an increasingly contested and congested EMS. Therefore, the warfighter needs to be agile and dynamic in the planning and execution of operations in this evolving environment. The power of the EMS is being unleashed globally and joint force access to the EMS is increasingly threatened as a result. Col. Stephen T. Ling, director, Joint Electronic Warfare Center (JEWC), Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, will discuss USSTRATCOM's efforts to move the joint force towards sustainable Joint Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (JEMSO) now and in the future.
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