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CALL FOR PAPERS: AOC 50th Annual International Symposium and Convention
The Annual AOC International Symposium and Convention is the leading trade event of the global Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence market. This year we return to Washington, D.C., October 27-31, 2013, to celebrate our 50th event in the AOC & Spectrum Warfare Communities.
The AOC is soliciting original, unclassified, technical papers for the Symposium, following this year's theme: "Proud Legacy – Strong Future"
The submission deadline is May 15, 2013.
Submission Information: Email the following information to the AOC Convention Abstracts Review Committee at
Title of proposed paper
Name of presenter and organization represented
One or two short paragraphs describing the scope of the paper
One or two short paragraphs describing the credibility of the presenter on this subject
Speakers selected will be notified of their provisional acceptance by mid-July or as soon as all slots are filled. Two back-up speakers will also be recognized on the printed program and their papers will be published on the web page whether presented or not. Presentations are limited to 25 minutes including questions and answers. Time limits are strictly enforced to keep the program on schedule.
For more information, view the full call for papers details at or contact the AOC Convention Abstracts Review Committee at Submission Deadline is May 15, 2013.
Full Call for Papers Details
More about the AOC Convention