AOC Convention Call for Papers Submission Deadline is May 31
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The AOC is soliciting papers for the 47th International Symposium and Convention to be held October 3-7, 2010, in Atlanta, Georgia.
The symposium theme is "Electronic Warfare in a Changing Environment."
The AOC is seeking original, unclassified and classified papers that discuss the full "spectrum" of evaluation methodologies that migrates advanced EW technologies and system integration strategies from their conceptual phases through their development and testing and into the warfighter's hands. Consider the following topical discussion areas for the papers:
• Evaluation of Advanced EW Concepts and applications: (e.g. Distributed; Full Spectrum Warfare, Urban; IO; Cyber; Vertical Integration-Surface to Space)
• Range Testing & Evaluation: Military Exercises
• Capabilities, Lessons Learned
• Joint/Coalition EW Capabilities and Interoperability Evaluation
• Coalition & Cross-Domain Integration: EW, ISR, Targeting with focused solutions such as IED, Spec Ops, and Operations Other than War
• Advanced EW/IO/Cyber War/Defend Technologies
Submission Deadline is May 31, 2010.
For more information and guidelines, visit the AOC website at or contact Nino Amoroso, AOC Convention Chairperson,
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